Fales Library Donation by George M. Carter August, 2018 Below is a list of the material donated to the Fales Special Collections of the Bobst Library, New York University, Summer 2018. Some of the acronyms used are detailed at the end. BOXES FROM PA:Box 1 - weight 38 lb. T & D general from 1992 T & D 1990 T & D 1991 T & D -2 8/91 T & D 1992 General TX Info 1995 General TX info first quarter 1994 Parallel Track 1994 T & D Digest 1992 & 1993 ACT UP Philadelphia HIV Standard of Care 1994 ACT UP Golden Gate meeting ACTG 1991 report AIDS drugs list printout Box 2 - weight 41 lb. Media 1994 Media 1995 Media 1992 Media 1990 Media 1991 Media 1992, some, & January 1993 Media Press clips week ending Dec. 6, 1992 ACT UP procedural 1990 ACT UP general 1991 ACT UP operational 1991 ACT UP ops 1992 ACT UP ops 9/12/92 ACT UP general 1992 ACT UP ops 1994 (RITA) ACT UP ops admin., deaths 1995 Box 3 - weight 42 lb. T & D 1993 (some other material as well) T & D 1993 FDA-1 FDA-2 FDA-3 Media 1993 ACT UP ops 1993 Staten Island Project- The Ibogaine Story Harm Reduction - Housing 1994 Health Care/Insurance etc. 1993 COTT (Committee of Ten Thousand) Misc. Government Systems (HHS etc.) Health care insurance issues 1995 AIDS Quilt 1996 ACT UP letters 1990 Medicaid/Insurance 1991-1992 Activist correspondence 1993-1994 ACT UP natural treatments 1992 Alternative TX info general 1995 Box 4 - weight 37 lb. Actions/Zaps 1991 Actions 1990 ACT UP Anti-War Actions 1993 Actions 1994 ACT UP-Philly Activist Conference 5/94 Actions 1995 Tenth Anniversary Wall Street March 1997 Action/Zaps 1992 Global Action 1992 TB strategies and actions 1992 Albany NYS DoH 1998 Media 1996 Toronto materials Feb. 1993 TB 1992 Organization contacts circa 1993 Yokohama, Japan 1994 Denialists/dissidents Box 5 - Newsletters, some journals - weight 47 lb. AIDS Treatment News - Incomplete 1992 to 2002 AIDS Treatment Data Network - treatment review 1996-1997 Women Alive 1998-1999 Provincetown Positive Fall-Winter 1997 Provincetown Positive Spring 1999 Community Prescription Service info packs - various, 1996-2001 IAVI Report 1998, 2000, 2001 single issues The Dirt from AIRC 1996, 1997 CRIA/ACRIA various 1996 to Spring 2006 Positives for Positives 1996 to 2004 Consumer News 1996 Step Perspective 1996-1997 AIDS Clinical Care/Antiviral Agents Bulletin 1992, 1993 GMHC Treatment Issues 1991-2002 Critical Path AIDS Project 1991-2000 World AIDS News Amsterdam July 1992 Art and Understanding July-Aug. 1992 and Spring 1992 HIV Treatment Bulletin 2004-2006 Nutrition for Life/Tufts 1996-2001 Being Alive 1992, 1994, 1997-2001 Guidelines for Use of ARV, 2003 UN HIV/AIDS and Human Rights International Guidelines 1998 UNAIDS Report on Global Epidemic June 1998 UNAIDS Epidemic Update Dec. 2001 WHO STI/HIV lab tests 1999 Deelaracion de compromiso en la lucha contra el VIH/SIDA 25-27 de junio de 2001 WHO HIV in Asia and Pacific 2001 Harm Reduction Conference 2002 Taking Drug Users Seriously Adherence and Successful HIV Management 1999 UNDP - Leadership for Results, HIV/AIDS, 2001 Commission of European Communities - AIDS Research, June 1992 PRN (Physicians' Research Network) Notebook 1999-2005 incomplete HIVandHepatitis 2001-2002 UNBP Choices Magazine Dec. 2001 Positively Aware 2005, 2006 Nutrition Developing Countries May 2006 EATN, Winter 1997-98 and Summer 1998 BETA Winter 2005, Summer 2005, Winter 2006 IAPAC May 2005, Dec. 2000 JAPAC Winter 2001 Box 6 - weight 40 lb. Letters, announcements circa 1991 AIDS activist correspondence 1995, 1996 National AIDS Nutrient Bank DAAIR File folder: AIDS Treatment Data Network File folder: Treatment Update 1991-1993 File folder: HIV Network 1996-97 File folder: Metabolics 1997 File folder IFARA 1996 McClintock Project Second 1993 New York Academy of Medicine HIV info outreach project April 2000 Beth Israel Clinical Trials Unit 2003 Immune Power conference alternative treatment July 1992 DAAIR MBS (Mind Body Spirit) journal articles DAAIR Nutrient Bank 1994 File folder: Lark Lands Positively Well notes DAAIR outreach material, treatment catalog 1999 (2), treatment info pack, misc. notes DAAIR Preventing & Managing Drug Side Effects, Nov. 2000 draft AIDS chart notes & drafts Open Magazine pamphlet series ACT UP the AIDS War & Activism - George M. Carter Open Magazine reprint 1992 Open Magazine pamphlet series notes Social Work in Health Care vol. 42, Nos. 3/4 2006: Culture, Community Networks, and HIV/AIDS Outreach Opportunities in a South Indian Siddha Org.- Baban, Carter et al RNC (Republican Nat. Convention) protests Sept. 2004 AIDS Treatment Resources: Directory of AIDS Clinical Trials April 1990 POZ magazine April 2000 Harm Reduction Communication Spring 1999 AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, vol. 8. No. 2, Feb. 1992 BETA Oct. 1998 Alternative & Complementary Therapies vol. 1, no. 4, June-July 1995 Treatment Team Handbook Oct. 1999 RITA Insomnia & HIV, vol. 6, no. 4, Dec. 2000 USAID HIFV/AIDS Nutrition Nov. 2000 Journal Naturopathic Medicine Non-standard HIV/ARC/AIDS Management vol. 3 no. 1, 1992 Holistic Resource List for HIV - date? OTA Adverse Reactions to HIV Vaccines 1995 Box 7 (LGBTQ materials included)- wt 48 lbs Jairath, Vimal K. Poems from my Heart - 16 years and counting: My Journey with HIV 1996-1997 File Folder: ACT UP, ACTG, misc contact sheets File Folder: Genzyme BioLines\ File Folder: BioWorld (misc Biotech) File Folder: BioWorld Mabon notes Pozitive Health News 1998, #10 (printout), 13, 14, 16, 18 File Folder: AIDS Treatment News, 1993-4 (some printouts) GMHC In Brief-1996-1999 File Folder: Project Inform File Folder: Project Inform Perspective 1996, 2002 File Folder: Notes from Underground (PWA Health Group) 1994-1999 File Folder: TAG TAGLine 1994-96 File Folder: Common Factor, COTT 1993-1997 Gay Pride 1999 Gay/Lesbian, 1993 GLB (Gay/Lesbian/Biseuxal) 1994 GLB - 1995 PFLAG Gay/Lesbian Queer Nation 1992 Quuer Nation 1990 Queer Nation 1991 Queer Nation - Channel 13, 1991 Cloth bag: UNAIDS High Level Commission on AIDS 2006 (lots of materials, notes etc.) Misc. unsorted treatment info, Keystone conference, ACTG other Box 18 - Conference notes, reports & ephemera for Geneva conference 1998 Internet etc. 1994-1996 T&D meeting notes 1993 T&D meeting notes 1992 The Way Home - NY City Homeless Commission 1992 Amsterdam reports Keystone notes/etc 1993 World Epi Conf 1993 Dallas Activist Conf 1993 ACT UP/Berlin notes 1993 ACT UP/Amsterdam notes 1992 National Commission on AIDS 1993 Chinese Medicine Conference 3rd, 1995] Geneva 1998 notes etc. CROI notes 2005 CROI notes 2006, Partial 1998 CROI report The Dirt Oct. 1996 1994 The Dead BOXES from BROOKLYN BOX B-1 - Opportunistic Infections Spleen/ITP Pancreas Kidney problems General OI reivews/Std of Care OI Complications of HIV Anemia Tropical infections Malaria/HIV Bacterial Infections Syphilis Cryptosporidiosis/Microsporidiosis Cryptococcal meningitis Fungals/Candidiasis Condyloma/HPV CMV HSV/EBV Mycoplasma TB MAI PCP Toxoplasmosis KS Lymphoma Lung Cancer Strongyloides GI Tract Abnormalities Wasting Weight Loss/Wasting/Diarrhea Myopathy Neuronal lipoid lipofuscinoses Myopathy Myelitis Depression: Peptides CNS Patho+nutrition Mind/body-PNI (psychoneuroimmunology) BOX B-2 - Pathogenesis T cell turnover Naive/memory/homeostasis Autoimmunity Humoral/Antibodies HIV/Structural/replication cycle Cytopathicity Hyperactivation Chemokines Cyclophilins Rectal/mucosal immunity Cytokines CMI (cell-mediate immunity) APC's (antigen presenting cells) NF-kB/transcriptional factors Th1/Th2 Apoptosis Superantigens Long term survivors Cytokines/MAbs/Cellular factors, etc. Cortisol/ACTH/DHEA Bellman (Paul) General articles/patho - Sonnabend, Goldberg ICL - Idiopathic CD4 lymphopenia BOX B-3 - Micronutrients Vitamin A/beta carotene B vitamins Niacin/inositol hexanicotinate NADH/ENADA B12/Cobex Vitamin C Bioflavonoids Vitamin D DAAIR Vitamin E Vitamin E (papers) Selenium Minerals (not Se) Ferritin/Iron Essential Fatty Acids DHEA Melatonin TMG Pycnogenol Quercetin, flavonoids, resveratrol Lark Lands BOX B-4 - Botanical Treatments/Systems of Medicine Aloe/Acemannan Andrographis Artichoke Gut flora/Acidophilus Adaptogens Algae Red Algae Beta 1,3-glucans Bioradiance (antiparasite) Bitter melon/Compound Q Carnivora Cat's Claw Curcumin/anti-LTR (HIV long terminal repeat) Echinacea Elderberry Garlic Ginseng Glandulars Glycyrrhizin Guggul Hypericin/Jarsin 300 Maca MGN-3 Met-RX/HMB Modcuare/Sterinol/African potato Monolaurin Olive (leaf) Pantethine PCM-4 Probirem Ry-vital Saw Palmetto Cell Strength/"Vitamin M1" (forms of Ca) Colloidal Silver DNCB Therapeutic fungi/Maitake, Shiitake Shark cartilage/alkylglycerols Transfer factor Petasites Imm modulators/Thymic extracts Brewitt/Homeopathic cytokines PB100 Punarvine 714X "Nutzoid" BOX B-5 - Side effects, etc. Switching (antiretroviral regimens) When to Start/Switch (ARV) ARV/HAART recommendations STI/SIT (structured interruptions of ARV) Immune Reconstitution Syndrome (IRIS) Interactions (Drugs/nutrients/herbs) Herb-Drug Interactions Mitochondrial Toxicity Osteoporosis/Osteopenia ARV/PI Hepatotoxicity Lipodystrophy Insulin Resistance Lactic acidosis Cardiac toxicity Micronutrients/Lipodystrophy Adipose biology paper LIPO-endocrine, anabolics, etc. Managing side effect reviews Package inserts (various meds) BOX B-6 - Government Related (mostly US) Yvette Clarke meeting/Advocates for Youth ATAC (AIDS Treatment Action Coalition) FDA FDA-Codex FDA-Emord amicus brief FDA-SPV30 mtg - 3/1997 CDC (Catalog/other info) Diagnostics (CD4, viral load, pheno/genotype) Surrogate Markers/tests (ELISA, PCR etc) Epi Studies CDC/Native Americans Legislation/AIDS Government Policy Policy: AIDS Drugs - Need for patent reform Ryan White/DAS carve-out NIH Guidelines Trials (NIH, Cornell, NYU); CAM NLM RFQ (Natl Lib Medicine) NIH/NCCAM meeting request Placebos/Clin studies/ethics AMA Guides to Permanent Impairment Ontario HIV Network/Clin Trials Review Piot - WHO meeting Needle Exchange BOX B-7 - Amino acids, Glutathione, NAC Proteins/AA (amino acids) Acetylcarnitine Carnitine Glutamine Lipoic Acid Methione, SAMe Phosphatidylserine Sulfur Glutathione (GSH) General (Alton Meister) GSH-Bioavailability GSH-HIV GSH-Immune Function GSH-Physiological effects/variation GSH-Interorgan GSH-Detox GSH-Food/diet relationship GSH-Xenobiotics GSH-correspondence, notes NAC (N-acetylcysteine, GSH precursor) NAC (second folder) Custom Mix (DAAIR's amino acid blend) Nutrivir (protein/vitamin powder; on Medicaid) Whey Protein General nutrition DAAIR - Detox General DAAIR - Detox/drugs BOX B-8 - Oxidative Stress Oxidative Stress (OS) Antiox/OS in disease OS-HIV Antioxidant rationale OS-Exercise OS-Apop/cellular OS-Aging Deficiency/intake studies/REE (resting energy expenditure) Nutrients at Treatment Geneva (1998)-Nutrients/Tx/Developing nations DAAIR (gen'l) DAAIR-treatment info to review/notes DAAIR-Fact sheets/Roxithromycin, Tinidazole DAAIR-Misc Jarrow BOX B-9 - Miscellaneous Alternative Treatments Africa - Materia Medica/Conakry study/Benson Jowi Buddhism, Tibet/Nepal Dharmsala - Tibetan Medicine Yoga, Asanas, Ayurveda Saunas Exercise & HIV Massage Touch Therapy/Reiki Reflexology/Aromatherapy Homeopathy Chinese Medicine and AIDS China AIDS Acupuncture Anastasi-Research Study Spr2004 Botanical Systems - Anti-HIV Novel ARV - Herbal Botanical meds - non-HIV European/other herbs Resource Guides CAM Herbal Use, Evaluarion, Skeptical SPV-30/Arkopharma SPV-39 Research, notes BOX B-10 - Hep/NeuroHepatitis C HCV+HIV HCV/fibrosis, dx HCV-extrahepatic HCV-HCC (cancer) HCV-ethnic variability Am. Liver Fdn-HCV, genl HCV-Novel antiviral, IL10, etc. Glycyrrhizin+Hepatitis Thioctic/alpha lipoic-HCV/liver Herbs for Liver/Other alt. Liver Dysfunction/Detox HCV-pathogenesis HCV-FTC/Schering, Feb 1999 HAAC (activist org) Liver-Hep B (D,E) Hep E, F, G, etc. Neuro - General Peptide T Memantine Ibogaine Neuropsych/Adherence, Depression Coping/psychosocial PML (prog multifocal leucoencephalopathy) Hiccups Neuro/Mellors (PNI) Pain Mgmt Psychosocial Medications Neuropathy Myelopathy Neuromuscular Dementia (HIV)/Pathogenesis, diagnosis Neurotoxicity, gp120 BOX B-11 - Antivirals, Novel AZT Monotherapy Antiviral ARV-general NNRTI Protease Inhibitors Integrase Inhibitors Thalidomide Gene therapy Vax (vaccine efforts) ARV Resistance Passive Immune Therapy Detox-CyP450, Background toxicology PN355/CDK1 inhibitor (Chin Med) Galantamine Hyperthermia Hydroxyurea Shaskan/salvage therapy PDEs Dana Flavin Methyl Pyryvate PreP/Dec 2010 HIV Cure Research Paracelsian/Babish 1999 NYS Medicaid Formulary BOX B-12 - DAAIR, NYBC AIDS Index (GMC); notes/drafts DAAIR, overheads, J Nat Med DAAIR-Fraud, treatment evaluation DAAIR-Methodology DAAIR-Monitor (blood work) DAAIR-flow sheet DAAIR-DNA methylation DAAIR-Why take antioxidants DAAIR-How to read info sheets DAAIR-Symptom Reduction DAAIR-Stad detox (Stadtlander's pharmacy) Lark Lands-Pos Well indexing NYBC-Supplements (newsletter) NYBC-Outreach info NYBC-Price sheets; product labels NYBC-Background info NYBC-Communications (flyers, etc.) Statins-review (RR vs Absolute Risk) Herb Research Fdn monographs (Anemia to Varicose veins) Vancouver AIDS Conf-gen'l ARIC-Keystone 1993 report NIH Gordon Research Conf notes-1993 Novel ARV, Discussion (bbs), c.1991-1993 BOX B-13 - FIAR/Projects HANDS Project/Mount Sinai Sharps Study/Mount Sinai Embase/Misc Bacopa/Mount Sinai Cost Effectiveness/Mount Sinai Emerging Infectious Diseases/Mount Sinai CAM-HIV, Methodology Milk Thistle, Background/Mount Sinai CAM in AIDS/Mount Sinai Silymarin study; Intake, outreach, docs. /Mount Sinai Micronutrient papers/Mount Sinai Micronutrient reviews, not included Alt Tx - Use Surveys, HIV/AIDS Yeshiva University, Anasthesia BOX B-14 - Misc. Presentations GMC-CV Actor's Fund TASSI (Tennessee AIDS, Knoxville) T&D-Patho Mtg. Notes (early 90s) BBS/Internet Resources NAMC/NATAF, NOLA 2002 RITA (Research Initiative/Tx Action) RITA (2nd) GMC-ACT UP/Misc Reports, 1992-93 Misc German E Commission printouts SAAAIDS SAATHI Saybrook U - Impact of War, 5/2000 CIDR/SMTH (StMarks Trans Housing) NYS DoH - Healthcare Hearings, 11/07 Focus Group-Citizen Input/Health Policy POZ articles (some) Misc. Medical Activist- Misc. HAND-Discordant Couples/IRB 1/03 Borikin (Spanish Harlem) Fall/2002 Health Canada/CATIE-CAM, 2000 Columbia Botanical Med CME, 5/00 Body Positive articles/CAM/9/99 Encyclopedia of AIDS NJ-TPED/Hyacinth AIDS Institute, CAM Access/ 5/00 HIV Plus-Chin. Med & Immunity, 3/00 Newark, Beth Israel - 9/97 St Luke's Roosevelt-Nightstar Theater 3/00 Community News/Med editing AIDSNET/Bethelehem PA 6/97 Sunset Terrace, Brooklyn (clinic) Cannes, France, HIV Nutrition, 1999 DOAK-Presentation; Frankfurt, 2008 DOAK-Frankfurt, 2008 UNAIDS, UNGASS 2011 Chiang Mai, Thailand, 12/01 Dana Beal-Court Proffer, etc. BOX B-15 - FIAR-Projects Clinical Trials/Background Methodology FIAR-"Spring Break" TCM study FIAR-Sinai-Probiotics meta-analysis FIAR-Sinai-Bacopa proposal FIAR-Sinai-Traditional Systems background FIAR-Sinai-Micronutrient meta-analysis FIAR-Sinai-Cannabis-Posters, Notes Pain paper FIAR-Sinai-Cannabis Neuropathy background Citta-Clinton Fdn Proposal BOX B-16 - Pharma & Politix Pharma Fair Pricing Act of 2000 MSF-Neglected Diseases Genocide, Economic Pharma/Genocide Pharma: Essentially Evil Access (to meds) US Healthcare Reform Ghostwriting ACT UP/Housing/Keith, Evan/Steve K Pharma - Gifts to Physicians War & AIDS (for chapter) BOX B-17 - FIAR-Projects 2 Ayurveda FIAR-Sinai - Gandeepam, Tamil Nadu FIAR-Sinai - Gandeepam, Siddah Conf. 2002 FIAR-Sinai - Gandeepam-2004 and on FIAR-Sinai - Gandeepam-Genl, Correspondence Nepal - Condom distribution program (pre-BDS) FIAR-Nepal - Blue Diamond Soc. (BDS) FIAR-Nepal - Low cost viral load, CD4 FIAR-Nepal - BDS, General/reports FIAR-Nepal - Collaboration proposal, 2004 FIAR-Nepal - HIV/STD clinic BOX B-18 - Older Conferences/Presentations AIDS Chart, vn 10, 11, 12 Search Alliance-Re Wm Paul mtg 1994 GMHC-Drug/Vax Dev, Yokohama 1994 ACT UP-Res. & Tx 6/24/95 A Better Way-Jon Bennett (Alt Tx) IRMAD Cytokines Conf, Reims, France 1995 PWAC Women's Conf. 1996 Nutrient Supp/Allergies, Sensitivies Anabolic steroids, hGH Meeting, 1995 NIH-Imm.&Host Genetic Resistance toHIV,1993 NIH-Office of Alt Med-Clin Research Data, 1994 NIH-OAM-Examining Rsrch Assumptions, 1994 Rush-Medical-New Perspctv HIV Mgmt, 1996 Friends In Deed-Bellman Vancover Rpt, 1996 J Alt Comp Med-Diarrhea article, 1996 AIDS Institute-NYS, HIV Protocols, 1994 NY CAN-Grassroots Advocacy, 2000 CROI-2nd in DC, 1995 NYS Psych Inst-OAR Discussion, 1995 Immune System & AIDS, Vic Hernandez NIH 5-Year HIV Res Plan, 1993 ACCORDION FOLDER: Office of AIDS Res. (OAR) Meeting, on CAM and HIV,1995, notes, preparation, reports; ACT UP Real Treatments for Real People Campaign BOX B-19 - FIAR Projects 3 Kuebel/Blair-STI Project Tibetan Herbs Review MAPS-Multiple Antiretroviral Protocol Strategy FIAR-ACRIA-Cholesterol Study Proposal FIAR-Sinai - Ethics, Conduit FIAR-Neuropathy initial review FIAR-Sinai-HIV Neuropathy Bkgrd/Reviews FIAR-Sinai-HIV Neuropathy Cannabis papers Marijuana-AIDS Research Service, 1991 (Vitamin) D-Calcium prelim review FIAR-Sinai-Micronutrient/Reviews BOX B-20 - Miscellaneous DAAIR-Publications, TIP, MOP, Catalog, etc. CoQ10-Research (DaiNippon) Maitake Copy-Open Pamphlet-ACT UP, AIDS War National AIDS Nutrient Bank AIDS Res Agenda 1991; TAG, Chris deBlasio Critical Path Articles, 1993, 1994 UNGASS-UNOPA, 2001 Syphilis Patho & AIDS HIV Denialist material, correspondence Some abbreviations: ACT UP - AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power DAAIR - Direct AIDS Alternative Information Resources FIAR - Foundation for Integrative AIDS Research GMHC - Gay Men's Health Crisis MAPS-Multiple Antiretroviral Protocol Strategy NIAID - National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases NIH - National Institutes of Health NNRTI - Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors OAM - Office of Alternative Medicine (became NCCAM - National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) OAR - Office of AIDS Research PWAC - People with AIDS Coalition SAATHI - Solidarity and Action Against the HIV Infection in India Sinai - Mount Sinai School of Medicine/New York T&D - Treatment and Data Committee of ACT UP/NY UNGASS - United Nations General Assembly Special Session |